Google Drive icon

Google Drive

How to create, view, or save a file in Google Drive

To open google drive, you can either type into the URL bar a the top of Chrome or choose Drive from the app selector (9 little squares) in the top right corner.Use the document below for creating with and working with Google files in Drive:

How do I upload files/folders to Google Drive?

You can easily add files & folders to Google Drive by uploading them from your computer. There are two ways to add documents: From file explorer on your computer, you can click on a file and drag it into Google Drive. You will see a box in the lower right hand corner showing the progress of the ...

How do I share a file?

One of the most important aspects of using Google Drive is the ability to quickly and easily share documents. To learn how to do this, follow the guide below:

How do I stop sharing a file?

If you ever need to stop sharing a document that you had previously shared with a person/group. Follow the how to guide below:

How do I recover a file I deleted?

If you accidentally deleted a file in Google Drive and need to recover it, please use the help article below: further info, see Google article below: