How to open a PDF in Adobe instead of downloading it
To open a PDF instead of downloading it please follow the directions below:
Chromebook is frozen
Once in a while, Chromebooks may freeze and require a refresh.To do this, hold the refresh (circular arrow on the top row of the keyboard) and the power key at the same time to force the restart.Alternately, holding the power key by itself for several seconds may also force the restart.If neither...
Connection in Chrome is not private
This message appears when Chrome cannot make a secure connection to a websiteWhen you connect to any website, a security "handshake" is passed, if both the website, and Chrome accept the "handshake" you are able to access the website. If one party declines, an error occurs.This error sometimes oc...
Chromebook is Missing a Printer
Chromebook printing is different than printing on a windows computer. Printers for Chromebooks are set up on an individual account basis and are managed from the Google Admin console.If a student is missing or has the incorrect printers, please submit a tech request.